Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Eva G. T. Green

Eva G. T. Green

I am associate professor at the Institute of Psychology, University of Lausanne, Switzerland. I have been a visiting scholar at the University of California, Los Angeles, the European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations, Utrecht University, and the Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science, London School of Economics and Political Science. At the crossroads of social, cross-cultural and political psychology, my research interests focus on intergroup relations (e.g., prejudice, power relations, political identities) in multicultural societies.

Primary Interests:

  • Culture and Ethnicity
  • Intergroup Relations
  • Political Psychology
  • Prejudice and Stereotyping
  • Research Methods, Assessment

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Journal Articles:

Other Publications:

  • Green, E. G. T., & Staerklé, C. (2013). Migration and multiculturalism. L. Huddy, D. O. Sears, & J. Levy (Eds.) Oxford handbook of Political Psychology (pp. 852-889). Oxford University Press.

Courses Taught:

  • Cross-Cultural Perspectives in Social Psychology
  • Cultural Diversity: Research and Stakes
  • Intercultural Management
  • Prejudice and discrimination: Mixed methods in social psychology

Eva G. T. Green
Institute of Psychology / Social Psychology Unit
University of Lausanne
Geopolis Building
CH-1015 Lausanne

  • Phone: +41 (0)21 692 38 84
  • Fax: +41 (0)21 692 38 45

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